Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Drivenness – A Performative Lifestyle

A high-performance lifestyle comes from creating a life that enables sustained levels of high performance. It comes down to instilling habits, practices, and mental and physical actions that promote sustained excellence. It means doing things well often.

Drivenness definition – The quality of being driven; drive; ambition.  It means strongly motivated to succeed. Synonyms: compulsive, determined ambitious, and aspirational.

A key synonym of drivenness is the word compulsive.  Compulsive - resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, especially one that is against one's conscious wishes.  Similar words are irresistible, uncontrollable, overwhelming, overpowering, and out of control.

A performative lifestyle has many issues that most do not identify.  You see it in many people.  It is especially prevalent with athletics who are driven to work so hard to be successful.  There is a huge letdown when they fail to meet their expectations and the expectations of others.  They look at their selves as failures.   It is fear driven and leads to self-loathing, anger, and depression (Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression).

What are symptoms tied to drivenness?  It produces fear of failure, fear of not producing, fear of letting people and your-self down, fear of what people will think of you (being judged), fear of not getting recognized, and fear of not being perfect to name of few.  It will cause you to beat up on yourself because of not living up to your expectations.

People with drivenness are amped up 24/7 trying to please others.  Their minds are racing trying to be worthy as a person.  It is never enough because mankind has programed us to think we are defined by success and we will do anything to show people and self that we are worthy to be defined as successful.  The fear can cause insomnia, headaches, migraine, high blood pressure, confusion, and many other issues.  It produces chaotic life devoid of peace.

Let us talk about what caused the drivenness?  Number one issue is our relationship with our parents.  Specifically, the father.  Over 90% of all fathers failed to say these words to their children, “I love you.”  Or if they did say these words, the children did not believe them because of the way the father treated them.  Most often with wrath, disappointment for any reason, or simply not being in their lives even though they lived in the same house.  Most often, the father’s father treated them the same way. This creates a feeling of being unloved, rejected, and feeling abandoned.  Most of the time it results in anger and addictions. Addictions trying to fill the void of feeling unloved.  Drivenness is an addiction.

 How does one overcome the addiction of drivenness?  Only through prayer.  We go to the root of the problem which is fear.


Father God, in the name of Jesus, I take authority over the fear that led to drivenness and I cast it out of me and I declare healing of this unloving spirit.  I declare God loves me; therefore, I will love myself.

Understand, there is a process.  The unloving spirit will surface again and again when we allow the memories of the unloving spirit to return. This unloving spirit has been there for decades.  It is not going to go away with one prayer unless God does otherwise.  We must repeat the prayer daily and sometimes several times a day until the unloving spirit starts to lose its grip on you and is no longer keeping you in captivity.

Unloving is tied to fear.  We need Gods perfect love first because it casts out all fear, 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 

We are in a spiritual battle.  Yet we continue to fight in the physical and lose the war.  Especially, as it pertains to sickness and disease.  Ask your pastor, leadership, and church friends this:  Why do we come to church suffering from sickness and disease and leave sick and diseased?  The Bible provides the answers on how to be healed.                                                       Tony Sanchez 12/5/2023

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