Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Battle For Our Minds

Most of the battles we fight are between our ears. Head knowledge, or mindsets, can interfere with receiving present truth and can hinder one's faith in God's ability to perform the supernatural. We must therefore renew our minds with truth. Renewing our minds does not just affect our minds; it totally changes us. It causes every part of us to be transformed into His image. Through the process of transformation, each of us presents his or her body as "a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God" Romans 12:1) Through transformation we are empowered to no longer be "conformed to this world" but equipped to "prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2) How awesome is that. We get a new heart and new life when our minds become renewed. There is no place for idolatry if we renew our minds to the truths of God.

Satan has tried to distort our minds for centuries by attempting to negate the power of the Holy Spirit. He has convinced us that studying the Scriptures is the only thing necessary to be a Christian. Though we obviously need the Scriptures, we also need the Holy Spirit to empower us to properly interpret and apply the Word to renew our minds.