Saturday, September 25, 2021

Regrets = Sickness and Disease

Sickness and Disease

·         Something that you have done and wished that you had not done and have regretted it ever since.

·         Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment.

·         Marked by fear of failure, fear of abandonment from family and friends, fear of not being loved, fear of being judged, fear of guilt, fear of shame, fear of being shunned, fear of rejection, and, extreme dislike of self (self-hatred).

·         Regrets leave a person very angry with themselves and others.

·         Regrets are a result of our choices and will cause depression at one level or another.

·         If we have bitterness of self and others, rejection, unloving spirits, hatred, self-hatred, it takes a toll physically and emotionally.

All of the above can compromise one’s immune system because of the fear created by one’s regrets.

Mind-Body Connection

We must understand the mind body connection.  What we think in our mind affects us in the physical and emotional.  Example: Everyone has been called up in front of the class to make a speech or do a presentation.  Leading up to that, great fear rises up in us causing panic attacks, stress, and anxiety, which can lead to sweating, lightheadedness, upset stomach and even diarrhea.  So, what you think in your mind roles over to physical and emotional manifestations. This is what we are talking about in this article.  What we think affects our physical and emotional health.


Cortisol is an important in fight or flight but, if it is present on a long-term basis, it destroys your immune system.  What this means is we either deal with an issue (fight) or we don’t (flight).  What God has created for us to help fight an enemy has now turned on us and has become the destroyer of our lives.

According, to medical information, long-term over-secretion of cortisol has direct physiological effects on the following functions: Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, protein metabolism, inflammatory effects, lipid metabolism, immune reserve, digestive function, urinary function, connective tissue function, muscle function, bone function, vascular system and myocardial function, and central nervous system function.

Cortisol directly influences immune responses to antibodies and inhibits the production of helper T cells.  The diminished helper T cells cause a decrease in B cells and antibody production.

This begins the destruction of the immune system due to the over secretion of Cortisol. The body is attacking itself. We are in essence beating ourselves to death. Over years, and especially with the elderly, our immune system becomes weaker and weaker.

Cancer and other immune disease are the effects. What is the cause or roots as related to this article?  Regrets!

Our bone morrow produces white T cells to fight off immune disease.  Lack of white T cell production increase our chances of immune diseases.  The bible mentions what happens to bone marrow production when we have regrets and fears.

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit (regrets) dries the bones (marrow). Proverbs 17:22.


God is not complicated and His solutions are not complicated.  Actually, God’s solutions are very basic and gives us the keys to our health, good or bad, according to His Word.

First, we have to understand where in the Bible sickness and disease comes from.  That would be Deuteronomy 28:15-68.  Second, we must understand what causes sickness and disease.  That would be disobedience, which is sin.

So, we take all things mentioned in this article as a result of regrets and identify them as sin.  We confess these as sin to God, ask God to forgive us, and ask God to help us to change our ways (REPENT). Any time the regrets seep in each day, we repent again. We do this each and every day until we see healing progress.

There are no cures for immune diseases.  But, there is healing in the name of Jesus.  It is God’s promise.  He sent His Son so that we can be healed from our sin that caused sickness and disease.

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Gather with family and friends to Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James 5:16.

Why do we turn to man and not believe God’s promises to heal?                  Tony Sanchez 9-25-21