Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Health Consequences of a Tormented Soul

I am part of a healing ministry and a private ministry where we pray for people with emotional and physical issues.  Many times, we are a last resort for people who are in captivity because of the many negative things that have happened to them in their lifetime.  It can include generation things that were passed down.   I call this torment or assault of the soul (mind and emotions).  What many fail to fully understand is how the tormented soul or physical traumas can result in sickness and disease.
People have gone in for medical treatment and to ministries only to have them treat or pray for the symptoms.  I believe that every sickness and disease has a cause (origin) and effect (symptoms).  Believers and unbelievers alike run to and fro looking for remedies.  Especially, manmade solutions such as oils, diets, exercise, acupuncture, yoga, herbs, and everything under the son.  I am not saying that some of these don’t provide relief, but they don’t bring healing in most cases, if at all.

Tens of thousands of books have been written by believers and unbelievers addressing sickness and disease. Unfortunately, our health is getting worse and nobody has written a book that provides the ultimate way to prevent or heal sickness and disease except for one.  Drum row……The Bible.  Deuteronomy 28 outlines blessings, curses, good or bad health in one chapter.  Deuteronomy 28:15-68 talks about sickness and disease and every sickness and plague not written in the Bible.  God tells us if we choose obey Him, we will experience health.  Just as Adam and Eve was given a choice whether to eat the forbidden fruit, we are given a choice as well in regards to our heath.
I found through the years of reading the Bible that God keeps things very elementary.  He does not want us to be confused, because God is not an author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).  So, I will keep this very simple. 

I have created a chart below called the Mind-Body Connection.  It covers a wide spectrum of adversarial attracts against us throughout our lifetime by people and from Satan (I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour).  It includes physical traumas as well, because physical traumas can severely affect our emotion physical health.    
Look at the right side of the chart (or see attached) that lists many of the things that can torment our soul and cause sickness and disease. The simple fact is this: the list on the right can only affect us if we choose to buy into all these things that have tormented our lives.  We choose to be hurt, offended, have un-forgiveness, to be betrayed, to fear, to feel unloved, to have hopelessness/depression, to hate self and others.  We choose to believe in man including self, rather than God. 

God will fill the emptiness of feeling unloved in your life.  His perfect love will fill the void that addictions cannot. God will give you peace and comfort that man cannot provide.  He will bless you with good health, but your health is dependent on your choice to obey Him.
It is my prayer that you will be blessed by this piece.  This is a subject that needs to be taught in the Church at the very least.  I encourage you to send this piece to believers and unbelievers alike. 

Apologies for the chart.  It did not copy as I would like.

Blessings, Tony Sanchez

Mind-Body Connection
This is not what God wants for us
  Fragmented & Tormented Soul
   SPIRIT Pride
Affects our       relationship   Un-forgiveness  
with God   Self-Pity  
    SOUL   Broken Heart
  Traumas - Emotional/Physical
         Mind   Rejection/Self-Rejection
  Will     Unloving
         Emotions   Anger    
    Soul Ties  
    Spoken Curses  
    Generational Curses
  Affects   Unbelief
  Our   Hopelessness/Oppression
  Health   Hatred/Self-Hatred
    Envy & Jealousy
     Body Poverty
Sickness & Disease - Deuteronomy 28:15-68
Verse 61 Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in   
this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed