Thursday, October 19, 2023

Depression Part 1

 What Is Depression? - Part 1

Depression is defined as a mental health disorder that involves your thoughts, your behavior, your feeling, and your sense of well-being.  People who are depressed feel consistently sad, anxious, and empty.  They can also feel hopeless, worthless, guilty, irritable, ashamed, sad, lonely, withdrawn, restless, and have suicidal thoughts.  They lose interest in activities that were once pleasurable to them and they may overeat or experience a loss of appetite.  They may have problems with fatigue, sleeping, concentrating, and making decisions.  Withdrawal, isolation, experiencing hopelessness and despair are some of the worst results of depression. 

Biologically, depression is defined as a chemical imbalance in the body. There is nothing organically wrong with the brain, but there is a disruption in the normal function of the brain’s neurotransmitters, so that they fail to secrete the correct balance of three chemicals: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.  The homeostasis, or balance, of the brain chemicals is affected.  Over a period of time, mental illness and disorders are the result. 

Science does not recognize just one cause of depression; it says that depression is a result of a combination of factors.  One factor may be heredity; a part of our family tree can make your more susceptible to the riggers that interfere with your brain’s chemical balance.  Other factors are environmental issues, psychological elements, or a side effect of certain medications.  However, one thing science does not acknowledge is the influence of evil spirits, which are the root cause of mental illness according to Proverbs 12:25. 

Spiritual Roots of Depression

Science is all about the psyche (soul).  But you many not really need more counseling for your soul.  Instead, you may need to get rid of an evil spirit that is influencing your thoughts.  You must decide not to be influenced by this spirit anymore.  The evil spirit may need to be cast out and evil thoughts cast down in the name of Jesus so that they can no longer torment you.  Let me explain what evil spirt I am talking about.  It is in God’s Word in Proverbs, Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25 NKJV. Anxiety is fear and fear is described as a spirit in 2 Timothy, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7.

In addition to fear, Henry Wright found that there are several spiritual roots behind depression.  Self-accusations, self-introspection, self-hatred, and self-centeredness are the enemies of someone struggling with depression. These spirts are coupled with shame, guilt, and self-condemnation.  Self-pity is the glue that holds it all together.  If you struggle with self-pity, then you are struggling with your faith.  Self-pity frequently reflects the failure of something in the past that you are constantly reliving and bringing into the present.  Serotonin can be depleted in individuals who do not feel loved and accepted.  Feeling unloved and fear of not being loved is a huge factor in depression.

In such situations, because of the spirit-soul connection, the hypothalamus and other parts of the limbic system are then affected.  Those glands responsible for regulating mood, thinking, sleep, appetite, and behavior.  Important chemicals the brain needs to function correctly are thrown out of balance.  All the enemy must do is manipulate your biochemistry to create this havoc.  He does it, once again, through the influence of thought. His kingdom of darkness gives you a thought, convinces you that this thought come from you, and then pressures you to agree.  These are all lies from the evil one.  In the case of depression, you brain will then conform to those thoughts.  A person becomes one with the thoughts producing depression.

The problems with psychiatry is that it is the practice of medicine apart from an understanding of how God has created us.  Practitioners treat their patients as though they had only a soul and a body.  They do not acknowledge or understand that we are also a spirit being because they cannot see the spiritual realm.  They do not understand that a spiritual influence is the root cause behind 80 percent of diseases and disorders of the mind and body.  Their efforts are hindered because they only treat the physical symptoms and do not consider the possible root cause of the sickness and disease.


How do we minister to a person who has depression?  We pray out the fears causing the depression.  This can include fear of not being loved, fear of not being worthy, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of confrontation, fear of failure, fear of the future, and many more.  Most people have many of these fears and many additional fears.

Understand, that this is a process.  We can pray away many fears, but the person will bring fear back into their soul.  The key to healing is to identify these fears that are brought back in and pray them out until these fears are minimized to a point of not affecting us anymore.  This could be total healing as well.

There is a wonderful scripture that promises eradication of fear that causes depression.  It is found in 1 John: there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us, 1 John 4:18-19.  We must embrace this scripture and use love to be healed from depression.  We must love ourselves as God loves us.

What does it mean to those who are standing in the gap for those with depression?  We are to love on them over and over without no condemnation.


Why do we continue to seek mankind instead of God?  Doctors, science, and mankind do not have healing solutions for depression.  We have a choice in what and who we believe.  Believe in mankind or believe and act on the promises of healing God provides in His Word.  Amen and Amen.                                                                             Tony Sanchez 9-30-23