Friday, May 24, 2019


Physical Injuries and Emotional Hurts

Spirits of: self-sabotage, self-retaliation, bitterness, self-bitterness, hatred, self-hatred, guilt, shame, condemnation, rejection, and unloving. Victim spirits: fear (as in stress, worry, nervousness, afraid, anxiety), un-forgiveness of others and self.
Traumas as defined in the dictionary as an emotional and/or physical stressor.  A stressor in its simplest form is fear and is a burden to one’s well-being. A trauma is the occurrence and the stressor is the fear attached to the occurrence (trauma).  Fear is a spirit.  A lifetime of fears from traumas pile up causing sickness and disease.  They need to be addressed in ministry.
Traumas come in all sizes from the littlest trauma to the highest.  Constant lifetime of exposure to traumas of any size can affect our physical and emotional well-being leading to what the medical field calls PTSD. 

Physical traumas can affect every part of our body starting in one area and spreading to other areas including muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood and air flow, skin disorders, itching, joint, neck, and back pain, immune system, nerve damage, and arthritis to name a few.

Major Physical Traumas:

  1. Accidents are a major source of traumas no matter how small. 
  2. Physical beatings from another person are another major source of trauma.
  3. Rejection by parents.
  4. Medical procedures and operations.
Major Emotional Traumas:

  1. Victimization by parents’ spouses, siblings, relatives, partners, friends, jobs, government, churches, organizations, and even victimization of self where one has self-hatred and un-forgiveness towards self.
  2. Loss of job, house, spouse, partner, friendship, or self-worth.
  3. Death of someone close to us.
  4. Exposure to traumas as a soldier, EMT, Fire fighter, policeman, etc. 
Not to be overlooked are generational traumas coming down from the generations such iniquities (actions such as physical and emotional abuse) performed on others that were passed on to us.  In addition, curses coming out of the mouth of any generation has a profound effect on those who have been cursed.
Take authority over the generational curse.  Curses are traumas.  It is important to tear down the assignment of words spoken that would give the enemy a legal right to orchestrate circumstances causing accidents/injuries/traumas. Also, take authority over programming in the mind (memories) created by the traumas.

Note:  Emotional traumas can trigger physical issues such as panic attacks, increased heart rate, upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, migraines, shortness of breath, blurred vision, fatigue, confusion, dizziness, shock, anger, irritability, mood swings, guilt shame, condemnation, sorrow, withdrawing from others, depression, emotionally numbness, neglected, and disconnected.
The stressor or fear attached to a trauma is a spirit and it is important to cast out the physical or emotional stressor (fear) attached to the trauma at the approximate date it happened.

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