Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fear Tidbits Part 2

Yesterday (WED), we went to service and during praise and worship the music leader was led to halt the music.  He felt that someone or more than one in the service had a word and asked them share.  Pastor Jason also encouraged those that had a word to share.  As I listened to three that shared a word, I was strongly led to furiously write down what I was given.  I did not share this in the service but, I want to share it now.

It went something like this:  I sent you my Love, My Son Jesus.  He came to die on the cross for your sins and teach you the ways that lead to salvation.  Yet, you continue believe only what you want to believe.  You continue to compromise My Word.  You have aligned yourself with the fleshly ways of the world and they are contrary to Me.  Your ways are not My ways and your ways will not lead you to My Kingdom.

Now, on to the second part of Fear Tidbits part two.

Fear Tidbits

Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)  And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.  Faith and Fear are equal in this dimension: both demand fulfillment.  Faith will always defeat Fear, because faith is a work of the Holy Spirit.  Fear is a work of Satan.  He now rules a kingdom determined to destroy mankind.  This kingdom consists of many principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.  Fear is from that kingdom.

Fear is Satan’s attempt to overthrow God’s plan in the earth, using you to do it.  Feelings of Fear cannot be trusted.

Your hopes motivate you because that is what faith is.  Faith involves God’s plan for you:  what He created for you from the foundation of the world.

Some churches preach what is called a faith message.  But no one can live up to the faith message, because it is really a system of works. Dr. Henry Wright says “It is a form of Witchcraft, due to the manipulation and control motivation.  They use the Word of God to manipulate and control their circumstances.”

There is nothing wrong with using the Word.  The Word of God is true and faith is true, but the faith teaching is based on works.  They teach your well-being is based on how much faith you have and how you are using the Word to get what you want.  Faith is not works.

Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.  Faith is that simple.  Your hopes need to be based on the known will and knowledge of God for mankind in the earth, as revealed by the Word of God.  Knowing the will of God requires reading His Word, because it tells you what His plans are for mankind.

Fear is sin and it has consequences.  Your mind, body, and spirit are responders to your Fear.  Fear will bring torment (1 John 4:18) sickness, and disease (Deuteronomy 28).  Unfortunately, Fear is getting greater and greater and the church as a whole is losing the battle.

In conclusion: Fear will try to create your future.  It projects into the future, based on your past.  It is important that you learn to put aside everything you have been exposed to that controls you and tries to create your future for you.  That could include recognizing what is in your family tree, your memories, philosophies, idiosyncrasies (odd or peculiar habits), and any programming that causes victimization.


Tony Sanchez 8-21-14

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