Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fear Tidbits Part 1


There are several types of Fear in God’s Word.  One is Fear of man.  Others would be Fear of evil and Fear of Death.  In the world, there are thousands of Fears which the world labels as “phobias” or “stressors.”  What we worry about throughout the day is considered a Fear as well.  What does God say about worry?  Matthew 6:34 says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”  So, if we worry (fear), and the Bible tells us not to worry, it is considered sin.

The level of fear is escalating in the world and the world sees our fear better than we can see our fears.  Fear is sin.  Not only do we sin by fears, but the world also sees our sin by fear. 

Being in the corporate world and the ministry of healing, I see many struggling with the Fear of man.  To fear man is to look to and regard people rather than God.  In other words, Fear of man makes man your god.  What man thinks and says is what is important to you.  In Romans 3:4 Paul says “…let God be true, but every man a liar.”

So if you are going to believe man before God, you are making God a liar and man true.  Proverbs 29:25 says “The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.”

This scripture equates fearing man with not trusting in the Lord.  One way we fear man in our lives is to hold back from people, because we worry about how they are going to treat us rather than looking to God to protect us.  There is a close connection between the Unloving spirit and the spirit of Fear.

When you have Rejection and Fear of Rejection, you draw back from people.  You do not become transparent with them because you are afraid of Rejection.  Who you are depends on what other people think about you.

If you are looking for other’s approval, you are in trouble.  They think more highly of themselves than they do of you anyway!  That is pride and arrogance and they are not likely to show the love of God to you.

Fear prevents us from expressing God’s love not only to ourselves but to people including our family.  It can lead to us putting more stock in what people think instead of what God says in His Word.

Fear demands fulfillment and the enemy is always there to help bring about this fulfillment.  We need to stand against fear and hold every thought of fear captive and cast down every imagination.  We must take fear from the past, the present, and the future and cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh.  In the name of Jesus, I pray and declare victory to the saints over fear.


Tony Sanchez, 8-2014

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