Thursday, February 22, 2024

Fatigue and Lethargy

Fatigue and lethargy – Type A behavior, overeating, depression, and insomnia are all caused by fear, anxiety, and stress according to science. 

 Fatigue and Lethargy

 Fatigue and lethargy can be found as a third state called exhaustion under the General Adaptation Syndrome of fear, anxiety, and stress (GAS describes the process your body goes through when you are exposed to any kind of stress). Fear, anxiety, and stress are great contributors to fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion and many other sicknesses and diseases.

 The number of people struggling with fatigue, exhaustion, and lethargy in America today is extreme.  Most can agree that fear in this world is an all-time high, especially in America.  The medical community does not attribute this necessarily to a virus, over working, or exposure to chemicals, but in the medical manuals they attribute it to fear, anxiety, and stress.  In fact, the third stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome of fear, anxiety, and stress is exhaustion. In the case of hypoglycemia, which is a reduction in glucose levels, exhaustion is part of the profile. However, as discussed previously, hypoglycemia is primarily a fear, anxiety, and stress disorder with an autoimmune rider attached to it of fear, self-hated, and guilt.  But again, fatigue, exhaustion, and lethargy are by-products of the root problem (fear).  


We now know what causes fatigue and lethargy.  It is fear.  Continuous and extreme stress and anxiety every day takes its toll on us.  Nobody is exempt.  Fear is an evil spirit (2 Timothy 1:7).  Most of us have thousands of fears in our temple that have not been prayed out.  We are exposed to many additional fears each day which add to the thousands and thousands of fears already present in us.  Fatigue and lethargy are only one of many caused by fear.  God gives authority and power in Jesus’ name to cast or pray out fears that have been in our temple since birth and even in the womb and from past generational fears.  Get rid of the fear and the symptoms of fatigue and lethargy must go. 

 Fatigue and lethargy are just one of many healthy issues caused by fear.   Migraines, IBS, fogy brain, cramps, narrow vessels, lower back pain, breathing issues, blood circulation, nerve damage, soft tissue issues to name of few.

 Why Do You Beat Up on Yourself?

 Guilt, shame, feeling unloved, feeling unworthy, thinking you are a failure, self-condemnation, self-loathing, bitterness, self-bitterness, and spoken curses at self are key factors when ministering to people.  I call all these as “beating up on self” spiritually which will result in sickness and disease in the physical/mental/emotional.  It affects your immune system metabolism, and will cause fatigue and lethargy.


Father God, in the name of Jesus, I cast out all fear causing fatigue and lethargy and send it to the dry places (Matthew 12:43 When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none).

James 5:15-16 and the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Prayer works because of God’s promises of healing in the Bible.                                          

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