Thursday, July 27, 2023


 The are three ranges of ADD: the lower range, the mid-range, and the high range.  The high range is hyperactivity.  We primarily deal with ADD in Children.  Dealing with ADD in adults is more difficult.  ADD comes out of a dumb and deaf spirit.  There are many classes of psychological diseases falling under the category of dumb and deaf.  Jesus cast out a dumb and deaf spirit from a person who could not speak, Mark 9:25   When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter him no more!”  See Matthew 11:5, Mark 7:32, Mark 7:37, Luke 7:22.

There is still a lot to learn about ADD, that involves the spectrums from the lows to the mediums and the highs.  We have more experience in the hyperactive range than the lower range, though we have had some cases in the lower and medium ranges.

We understand Add to be a neurological interruption.  We also understand ADD is or can be familial or inherited.  It seems to run in the family trees. We have a very strong feeling it is tied to a dumb and deaf spirit putting a person in bondage.

Add, dyslexia and gender disorientation have something in common.  Don’t think, because I have merged dyslexia and ADD with gender disorientation, that anyone is at risk of becoming gender disoriented because they have ADD.  They do, however, have a common thread.  There is a double mindedness that comes and this is an inherited family curse.  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

When you find ADD, you will also find it in the parents and grandparents.  You won’t find it in just one place.  You will find it right down the generational line.  It is the same with dyslexia.  It involves a type of double mindedness and confusion and the prime root of the confusion is gender disorientation because of an inversion of godly order in the home.  The home is ruled by matriarchal control rather than the patriarchal authority as God Intended, 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

That home is ruled by the female, not the male.  The confusion coming from that is producing ADD, dyslexia, and gender disorientation.  When the males do not rule the home in love, the female has not choice but to take the reins. In addition, when women are the matriarch of the family, the children, male and female take on the personality of the women.  This does not allow the males to be the patriarch of the family as God has designed.

The minute she does, Satan entire kingdom comes to help her.  She was never designed to rule the home; she was designed to follow a patriarch who is Godly.  I might add, I am not a chauvinist and I do not send females back into the oppressive rulership of ungodly males in the name of the Lord.  When the female is being oppressed, I call for immediate separation and resolution.

I will protect the children and female first before I will protect the male.  The male should be protecting the female and the children to begin with so I hold him to a higher level of responsibility.

The female and the children should follow the male as he follows Christ.  The head of the woman is to be the man and head of the man is Christ.  But the head of Christ is the Father and nobody quotes the rest of that Scripture.  It does not stop with Christ; it stops with the Father, 1 Corinthians 11:3

This brings the male back into the rulership, not just as the husband, but in a similar relationship Christ has with the Church as our Husband.  The husband is called to represent God as the father to his family just as if it were God Himself.  It’s a tough job, but it is the work God has called a man to do.

I also have observed various standpoints of rebellion as part of this profile.  Historic family rebellion exists in the families who have been involved in occultism and false religions.  Historically, it is an interrupter of the thoughts.  It interferes with self-esteem.  It involves much self-rejection, self-hatred, and guilt.  It often involves dyslexia and other various breakdowns of perception.  Many times, you will find color blindness, which is also inherited.  You can also have other peripheral problems coming with this family profile.

Many schools are dealing with disruptive children in the classroom and recommend the drug Ritalin.  Ritalin is a very dangerous drug. This drug is the shame of our school system in America because it is the lazy way out of a problem.  The problem is children who are on Ritalin is from a national organization’s research concerning children on Ritalin and it shows that 50 percent of them, at some point in their lifetime, ended up afoul of the law and in jails.  This directly related to the drug, not to ADD.  There is a psychotic value that come with Ritalin and it’s horrific.  It is a Pandora’s Box and yet it is currently the “drug of choice” for ADD.

In the hyper range of ADD, the child is fine if he or she is concentrating on an object of interest.  The nerve synapses and the flow of focusing are normal, but when the child is not motivated, the neurological flow is interrupted and there is activity called ranging, including free-floating thoughts and impulsive realties.  The child does whatever comes to mind.  Tony Sanchez 7-27-23


A More Excellent Way


Tony Sanchez Insight

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