Insights to Depression
by definition, is the result of a chemical imbalance in the body. Anytime you have a chemical imbalance in your
body, either by adding something from the outside that throws the body
chemistry off, or from things being secreted on the inside because of spiritual
dynamics, you can have depression. All
depression is the result of a chemical imbalance in the body.
does depression come from? Doctors can’t
tell you, so don’t believe what they have to say about depression. God, in His Word, tells us where depression
comes from in Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety (FEAR) in the heart of man
causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. This verse tells me that everyone has
some level of depression at one time or another due to fear, since we all have
fear. We took a survey during this
teaching and everyone in the group has experienced depression. Most will not
admit that they have had bouts of depression for fear of being judged.
You are
very chemical in your creation. In fact, if you looked at your body on the
inside, you’re nothing more than a bunch of little chemical plants that
manufacture various chemicals, hormones, neurotransmitters, glands and organs.
They maintain basic homeostasis (balance), the way God designed it. But your
enemy knows he can interrupt the secretion of hormones, chemicals and
We know
how the devil is doing it and what the consequences of it are. It’s no longer a
mystery. You don’t need a word of knowledge. It’s obvious. It’s the same in
every disease. The devil is also the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When
you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. He’s not very creative. He cannot change
because he’s in subjection to creation himself. He, too, is a created being.
When we
become one with the Unloving spirit, Rejection, Guilt, Shame, or we become one
with the lack of self-esteem, our hypothalamus gland senses trouble. Then the
pineal gland responds by stopping the secretion of serotonin. When you have
lowered serotonin levels, you don’t feel good about yourself. Why? Not only do
you have those thoughts, you have the physiological feeling to go with it that
reinforces it. At this point, you’ve been had on all three dimensions,
spiritually, psychologically and biologically. The result is a mind/body
connection that affects our health.
Do you
remember the drug Fen-Phen? They said it was causing heart problems. It was the
number one diet drug in America for a long time. Fen-Phen basically was an
upper. An upper is an amphetamine. An upper causes serotonin to be released.
So, when you don’t feel good about yourself, you eat. When you don’t feel
good about yourself, the rate of your metabolism slows down – not everyone
since it may be genetic, but many.
people who have difficulty with weight gain, the rate of metabolism can be
determined by your spiritual state. Not just by a genetic component. When you
don’t feel good about yourself, your serotonin levels drop. So, Fen-Phen raised
the serotonin levels. When your serotonin levels are normal, you feel better
about yourself, so you don’t eat.
Food can
be an addiction. Addictions work like a pacifier and my position is that all
addictions are a result of not feeling loved.
Constantly trying to feel that void of emptiness in the heart. Food,
smoking, drugs or drink; anything we take to build up our lack of self-esteem.
Obsessive compulsive behavior, OCD, is a serotonin deficiency disease. Manic
depression is a genetically inherited serotonin deficiency disease, but it’s
When the
pineal gland causes serotonin to be under secreted, you now have reinforced not
just the thought, but the biology as well. You now have both the psychological
and the physiological responding to those thoughts. You’re caught in the trap.
This is Satan’s nature at work whether it be Fear, Guilt, Bitterness,
Self-Rejection, hatred and the list goes on
as you well know.
Be In
Health ministers has been able to document almost 500 different personality
aberrations (mental disorders) in mankind that frankly, are demonic, all with a
specific fruit, long term. This is producing most of our disease and is
spiritually rooted. Not all disease has a spiritual root, directly, but a lot
of disease does have a spiritual root.
it is no longer just a spirit of Fear at work anymore, it may be that you now
have a personality of Fear. Have you seen people with phobias? Maybe it was
someone who has panic attacks? Those are personalities of Fear and phobias that
have been ingrained in the person’s life.
Your mind
can be programmed. Your thoughts can control you; not just from the spiritual
dimension, but also from the psychological dimension. For every thought you
have, there’s part of your life that wants to correspond. Like depression, for
Depression, is the result of a chemical imbalance
in the body as was discussed at the beginning of this article. Any time you
have a chemical imbalance in your body, either by adding something from the
outside that throws the body chemistry off, or from things being secreted on
the inside because of spiritual dynamics – you can have depression begin. Depression is the result of a chemical
imbalance in the body. A chemical imbalance is the hypo and hyper dynamics of
secretion. What causes certain glands to over secrete or under secrete? A
spiritual problem that is part of the person’s personality - a part that is not
of God. They may have become so one with it, it’s now a way of life for them.
They cannot separate themselves from it, so, they become one with it.
Do you
see why it is so important for you to learn to separate as Paul shows us in
Romans 7? You need to be able to separate yourself and your thoughts from this
stuff and choose to line up with the Word of God. The Word says God is love and
God loves you. It also says if God be for you who can be against you? We can
quote many scriptures about God loving us – that does include you. God loves us
even if we’ve still got sin in our lives.
You need
to mix the Word with your faith. Take that lie that’s been in your mind and
cast it down as a lying imagination. It does not match the knowledge of God.
Find out what the Word says and believe it.
antidote to these lies and the depression is the mind of Christ; the Word of
God. You decide what you will believe – the lies of the enemy’s kingdom or the
Word of God. Who will you believe? The things you’ve been programmed with or
what God says about it? It’s time for you to come out of agreement with the
devil. Come out of agreement with the lies! The devil is a liar. He was a liar
from the beginning and is the father of all lies. If he can get you to believe
a lie, your body will conform to that image. Your soul will conform to that
image. Your spirit man will conform to that image. That’s why in Hebrews
4:12 it says the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart. The Word is able to separate the soul from the spirit. Verse 13
says neither is there any creature that is not made manifest before Him.
So, if I
could tell you that you had depression because of an Unloving, unclean spirit
of Rejection, would that be significant to you? If I could tell you that you
had a certain mental torment because of Fear and Anxiety, would that be
significant to you? If I could give you the etiology (the cause) of your
problem spiritually, would that be significant to you?
It would
be the only thing that would make any sense, because otherwise you’re lost in
the mess of your own thoughts, emotions and feelings - with no way out. When
you’re lost in the ignorance of the moment, your enemy is controlling your
physiology and your soul. Then you are a victim and you are in a prison house
with no way out. Unless, you choose the truth of God’s Word and the insight of discernment.
That’s why the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
heart. It is that level of knowledge and discernment that the church needs
today. Not only to heal disease, but to prevent it. That is our mission for you
and for the body of Christ.
Depression and Sugar Substitutes
The body
will pitch a fit when you try to quit diet drinks, but don’t be too concerned
about the withdrawal. Diet drinks are phenalphenalics. Phenalphenalics produce
low grade depression. That would include aspartame and Sweet and Low. Anyone
that consumes diet drinks on a regular basis is susceptible to an ongoing
low-grade depression. A safer alternative is Stevia but, it used to be more
difficult to use, difficult to buy and difficult to dissolve. When someone comes to me and says, “I’m not
really depressed I’m just not on top of my game” the first thing I ask them is,
“Are you drinking diet drinks?
Look at
the back. They used to call it aspartame.
Now they have this fancy word called phenalphenelics. Who knows what
that word is? It’s a chemical that
lowers serotonin levels and it produces depression.
about phenalphenalics… Our body doesn’t
outgas these chemicals long term especially when you’re putting away five to
six diet drinks a day. Talk about
cellular toxicity, talk about residual chemicals in your body… do you know what
depression is? Clinically speaking? Depression is the result of a chemical
imbalance in the body that produces feelings of yuck. When you add phenalphenalics like aspartame,
NutraSweet, Sweet and Low and all of these diet drinks…you’re loading your body
with chemicals that don’t outgas quickly and cause chemical imbalance in your
body. Then you wonder why you have depression.
The next
time you think you have low grade depression, get off your diet drinks for
thirty days. It takes thirty days for the body to acclimate itself. Get off the
drinks. An antihistamine is the worst drug in the world to detox from. Your
body becomes used to a particular chemistry base and when you remove that
chemical, your body biologically pitches a fit. If you have caffeine in your
drinks, try two weeks not having any caffeine. You will have a throbbing
headache within 24 hours [as your body demands its chemical fix. If you are
determined to get that chemical out of your body, hang in there, your body will
adjust in a few days.]
Weight Gain, Serotonin Levels, Diet Drinks, Metabolism
people gain a lot of weight, they tend to get criticism. Then Self-Hatred and
Guilt move in. But do you know why you
are gaining weight? Because you don’t feel loved.
When you
don’t feel loved, serotonin levels diminish. If you’re on diet drinks, it makes
them diminish even more. So, you have a
serotonin deficiency. When you have a serotonin deficiency, your rate of
metabolism or caloric burn slows down and you put on weight.
How do
you lose weight? Start loving yourself, start accepting yourself, start
believing in yourself and allow the serotonin levels to come back to normal.
Then your caloric burn will increase, your rate of metabolism will increase and
you’ll begin to lose weight; not because you’re on a diet, but because you love
“How do you love yourself?”
Are you
born again? If so, then you know God
loves you. So then, why don’t you love yourself? What would He tell you to
do? Love yourself. When you are born
again, you have faith and you have hope. God’s nature is love. God loves you
and He wants you to love yourself.
tend to focus on their broken heart or may feel it has been broken “so many
times”. Only God can heal a broken heart. If you really want it healed, then
ask Him to heal it. He loves to heal broken hearts.
If you
let your broken heart become your identity, you may fall prey to Self-Pity, a
killer, or a spirit of Heaviness, Isaiah 61:3, which is depression and
makes you live alone in your prison house. The Scriptures say, “You shall
love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and mind; and you shall
love your neighbor as yourself,”. As you love yourself, Luke
you’ve been injured, maybe because you grew up in an atmosphere where you
didn’t have anyone to love or nurture you, you were victimized. Victimization is a trauma, which a whole
other issue that needs to be addressed.
But God never intended for us to be isolated and alone. Find some
friends that don’t tear you down or drag you down. Find some Godly fellowship.
Becoming Free
You can
defeat your enemy and God can work with you, but if you’re waiting for God just
to deliver you from this stuff and you think there’s not an action required on
your part, you’ve been deceived.
According to Ezekiel 18, you make yourself a new heart and you make
yourself a new spirit, you deal with it, (Cast away from you all your
transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a
new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 18:31).
doesn’t want just to deliver you; He wants you to know what you’re being
delivered from. He wants you to know enough that you can defeat it in the
future. God’s perfect will is not for
you to continue to be delivered from the strongman. God’s perfect will is that you don’t have a
strongman at all.
Do you
think there’s a level of sanctification in which we can walk where Satan is
defeated in our life forever? Yes, I’m
walking in certain measures of that now.
Does it mean those strongmen in my life from the past don’t come
knocking on my door from time to time, to see if I’m filled or empty? Oh, yes, sometimes every day. One came walking by two weeks ago, from my
past. Satan’s workers came walking by, he knocked wanting back in and I said,
“Mister, no vacancy”.
Block to Healing – Not Discerning the Lord’s Body
powerful but often overlooked block is, Not discerning the Lord’s body. Let’s
look at exactly what that means to us. 1 Corinthians
11:27-31 describes physical diseases in God’s people including, weakness,
sickness and premature death.
whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner
will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine
himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who
eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not
discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among
you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be
passage is talking about taking communion in disbelief concerning what the cup
and bread represent. The cup means forgiveness of sin representing the blood of
Jesus Christ. The broken body is our deliverance from sorrow and sickness and
all manners of rejection, despair and disease.
He is
despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and
we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely,
he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him
stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isaiah But he was wounded for our
transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our
peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed Isaiah 53:3-5.
When you look up the word “stripes” you will
find it as Hebrew #2266 which means bruising, wounds, which of course we
understand was the brutal beating of Jesus. It also refers you to a word that
it originally came from, Hebrew #2250 which means fellowship and to join.
we are not being healed because we may be Christians, but we don’t have a true
relationship with Christ, an intimate fellowship. We may believe that the stripes
freed us of disease but we have failed to have an intimate relationship with
our Lord.
Have we
in our longing to be healed and delivered from depression and disease, judged
ourselves as in 1 Corinthians 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we
should not be judged.? Maybe we are participating with spirits of
Heaviness, Oppression and Self-Hatred. We need to remind ourselves that Jesus
took our sorrow and we need to ask ourselves, “then why am I still
participating with it?” Not in condemnation but conviction.
What am I
doing selling out to the enemy, coming in agreement with what he thinks about
me instead of what God thinks about me?
Why is it that, my serotonin levels drop and physiologically I become
depressed along with the spiritual wickedness beating me up.
Prayer: In the
name of Jesus, I am in charge of my life and my thoughts – not evil spirits. I
am taking my life back because of what Jesus did for me on the cross. I am
going to renew my mind of what God says about me and have my body, mind and
spirit come into perfect peace. I am truly going to take communion in belief
that my sins are forgiven and that I am freed from the curse of Rejection,
Sorrow, Guilt, Shame and all manner of disease in the name of Jesus and by the
power of the Holy Spirit.
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