Sunday, December 31, 2017



Job 3:25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me.  And what I dreaded has happened to me.

Job’s problem was he worried into the future and could have benefited by the New Testament verses in Matthew 6:34 that says: “do not worry” and Matthew 6:25 “do not worry about your life”.

How is fear affecting your life and life of your family, friends and others?  Man has known about fear for quite some time.

“Even relatively short periods of stress may cause changes that leave the brain cells hypersensitive for weeks, reports Israeli scientists trying to uncover the molecular root of post-traumatic stress disorder.” Washington (Associated Press) September 2001.

“Pregnant women who often feel stressed out could be programming their fetuses’ nervous systems for heightened reactions to stress and a greater lifetime risk of heart attacks, scientists reported over the weekend.” San Diego (USA Today) March 1999.

We all know by now the negative effects of stress, anxiety, alarm, dread, fright, panic, scary, tension, terror trepidation, nervousness, and worry to our bodies. So many words, but it all comes down to one word that describes all these words and that is FEAR!   Angina (throat inflammation), Arrhythmias (alteration of heart beat), asthma (airway obstruction), allergies (immune response to a substance), high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, tension or migraine headaches, strokes, impotence, insomnia, diabetes, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland), malabsorption (faulty absorption of nutrients), and eczema (skin inflammation) are but few of the many diseases known to be fear related by the medical field.  Doctors are studying this mind/body connection, calling this area of study Psychoneuroimmunology.  The aim is to nail down the latest medical technology to determine the mind/body connection that causes sickness and disease.

What about the spirit?  We are a triune being.  We are spirit.  We have a soul.  We live in a body.  Our SOUL consists of our mind, will, memories, and emotions.  Our SPIRIT consists of our conscience and intuition (knowing right and wrong) and our BODY is the mobile home for our soul and spirit, 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Fears are not psychological defects, but tribulations of the soul as a result of a lifetime of distress, suffering, torment, hurts, pain, attacks, betrayals, and not being loved by others. The holistic approach treats the “whole” patient, but how well do they understand man’s spirit and soul from God’s perspective.

Satan however, understands our packaging quite well.  He has made a study of God’s creation since Adam and Eve.  Satan knows all about our mind/body/soul connection. He knows that we are only sustained in health and sanity to the degree that we match up to the obedience of the living God (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).  Satan knows that by controlling our thoughts, he can control our health.  His goal is to “steal, and to kill and to destroy” (John 10:10).  Satan manipulates human moods, attitudes, feelings, and emotions.

So, if Satan has made a study of man, it’s time for man to start understanding what really makes us tick.  Part of that is discerning exactly how he uses FEAR to break down our bodies.

In order for our bodies to maintain all of its systems, the hypothalamus gland in the brain works to regulate factors so that we remain in a state of homeostasis.  Homeostasis is a self-regulating process which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that is optimal for survival.  For instance, our blood pressure should normally be 120/80, our resting heart rate should be around 60-80 beats per minute, and our body temperature should be around 98.6 degrees.  Everything is at a remarkable set point and does not vary much from day to day.  To achieve this homeostasis, the hypothalamus must receive input about the state of the body and make compensatory changes if anything goes out of whack.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of cardiac muscles, smooth muscles (not under voluntary control) and glands.  When a fearful thought triggers the hypothalamus, it signals the autonomic nervous system, which in turn affects our heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, sweating, etc.  The body is in a fight or flight mode (the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away).  This is why our hearts may race, our hands may get sweaty, and our knees might buckle when a test, a bully, or an equally stressful situation confronts us.

There is a time for rest and a time for action.  Fight or flight is normally a short-term response.  But if a stressor is not removed and this fight or flight mechanism is extended beyond its normal time frame, the body will start breaking down.  The medical profession calls this the General Adaptation Syndrome which has three stages (1. alarm stage-burst of energy, 2. resistance stage-the body attempts to adapt, 3.the exhausting stage-which drains you physically, emotionally, and mentally).

When a person is continually not feeling safe and having fearful thoughts, the body will be in a continuous state of fight or flight leaving no time for rest, recovery, and repair of body and soul.  When the body can no longer maintain its homeostasis, sickness and disease will result.

Yes, doctors will tell you that stress kills, but what do they offer to counter it?  They may prescribe an anti-anxiety drugs, suggest stress management courses, or exercise.  New agers and even Christians may look towards yoga, biofeedback, meditating, self-healing, herbs, oils, diet, and whatever man dreams up.

But are they Godly solutions?  Not according to God.  Deuteronomy 28 outlines blessings and curses related to health and God gives us the choice.  The curses in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 are sin and we have a choice to buy into these curses/sin that results in sickness and disease, or we can choose blessings Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and good health.  What is your choice going to be? 

God’s wants us to choose not worry to keep us health (Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble).

Fear Symptoms that I have come across or learned about:

Can cause muscles, tendons and ligaments contract or tighten.  Most often, the left leg will be shorter than the right because of fear.  Many times, there will be great pain in the back, neck, and legs and other places.

Can causes blood vessels to be constricted (made narrow) resulting in numerous issues related to poor circulation.  I see many with swelling Dropsy/edema (Luke 14:2).  Many with swollen feet (Nehemiah 9:21) and diseased feet (2 Chronicles 16:12 because of hatred towards self because they do not feel loved of feel worthy). 

Can cause the narrowing of upper and lower respiratory track making it difficult to breath.  I found many people with Asthma, a lung disease characterized by airway obstruction, airway inflammation, have issues of abandonment

Can causes the body to be out of alignment and to be contorted.  (bones & intestines).

Can cause migraines, IBS, seizures, panic attacks, heart conditions, blurred vision, itching and skin disorders (Deuteronomy 28:27).

Fear can be passed on through the fetus (generational fear).  Colic in babies can be a result of the mother experiencing trauma (disorder resulting in a mental, emotional, or physical stress/fear) during pregnancy.

Fear can come down the generational line (Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me).  Fear is an iniquity).

Fear can cause diarrhea usually from a person bringing rage and terror or constipation from worrying.

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