Lust is not just a sexual
thing. Even if temptation involves a simple a thing as having a
disagreement with your brother or sister in the Lord, the process of lust is
there. Lust includes everything. We have many examples about
lust. 1 Corinthians 10:6 says: Now these things became our
examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also
Every problem and every
temptation you have already exists within your spiritual makeup. Satan
comes with his kingdom to exploit your weakness. You could have a
thousand temptations, but there is always at least few or more that you are
going to fall into. Satan will always work on you at your weakest
link. Most of your trials, tribulations, and temptations are already
spiritual problems in your life.
Job was perfect in a lot
of ways, yet he had weaknesses. He was full of pride and fear. He
tried to be God over his family, making sacrifices for his children. The
thing he feared most came upon him, For the thing I greatly feared has come
upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me Job 3:25
There is incorrect
teaching that says that when you are tempted, it is God’s way of teaching you
something. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”;
for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone James
1:13. Everything that is going on, as a temptation in you, is common in the world, No temptation has
overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will
not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation
will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians
You can quit praying for
God to remove the temptation, because He wants you to defeat it. He will
make provision for you so you can overcome. It has to be dealt with
because it comes from within and is already in place and already a problem.
The difference between “defeat” and “resist” is this: “defeat” is permanent;
“resist” indicates there is still a battle taking place.
God wants you to defeat
temptation because, in the day you don’t, it becomes your sin and you are
fellowshipping with devils, Rather, that the things which the Gentiles
sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to
have fellowship with demons. 1 Corinthians 10:20.
All evil in mankind comes
from within the heart of a man, woman or child, And He said, “What comes out
of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men,
proceed evil thoughts, Mark 7:20-21.
2. Being Drawn Away – We become preoccupied with a thought. To be drawn
away is to have a strong imagination about a temptation, to start to view it
and to let your mind be drawn to it. At this stage, sin is starting to
form a reality in you. It is not just an idle thought; it is starting to
take form. Being drawn away is still not sin.
3. Personal Lust – This is the forming of the sin, But each one is tempted
when he is drawn away by his own desires (lust) and enticed. James 1:14. You
have a strong imagination and you start to take pleasure in watching what is in
your mind and in your thoughts. It is no longer an idle thought.
First you had the thought and then you had the strong imagination. Next
you sit back and turn your mind’s TV on and start to take pleasure in watching
what is in your mind and your thoughts. This is still not sin. It
is an evil spirit integrating itself with you and you are starting to weaken
and fall into agreement with it simply because you are entertaining the
An evil spirit is like a
projector; it projects images in you because of its nature and it wants to
fulfill its nature and make you a sinner in that area. You think it is
you because you have fallen into agreement and started becoming one with it,
which is the process of you becoming prepared to sin.
4. Enticement – The forth step to sin is enticement. Enticement is
the weakening of the will. You can have every feeling and seemingly
enjoyment of a lustful thought in any area of your life. The object is to
weaken your will because Satan wants you to act it out. The ploy is to
get you to start weakening, to get you to yield your will to what the
temptation is. If Satan can break down to a point where you are no longer
resisting him, then he has you in motion to commit a sin, ...Resist the
devil and he will flee from you James 4:7.
6. Actual Sin – There are many people who say something with their hearts but not with their mouths. They still have a completed sin in their heart because they are one with it and in full agreement with it. It is your choice to reject a thought or dwell on it, But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28. Any person in agreement with a thought in his or her heart will eventually act on that thought.
When temptation comes,
you can now see the process. You can find yourself in the seven steps so
you will recognize temptation is not sin. You can start dealing with
Satan and your adversaries according to the knowledge of God. Seek God, His
Word (Jesus), the Helper, and fellow believers who can come to your aid in the
name of Jesus Christ.
Casting down
imaginations (and temptations), and
every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians
10:5 KJV.
Tony Sanchez 5-9-17
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