Friday, March 28, 2014

Carpooling With God

Carpooling With God

I was watching a DVD message tonight rather than doing worldly things.  John Bevere brought up the subject of carpooling.  He said “Can you imagine carpooling 20-30 minutes to work with a person next to you and not saying one word to him?” Inconceivable, right?  Yet, God rides with us every day on the way to work and many of us fail to say one word to God.  God wants us to have a conversation with him as He carpools with us. 


He is our Father.  We need Him desperately.  Speak to Him and He will speak to you.  He is there to help us.  He abides in us.  John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.  Expect Him to bless us as we converse with Him during our ride to work. 


Thank you Father

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