Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Had a Dream

I hope you don’t mind if I share a dream I had Monday night regarding sin.

I will try to describe the dream as best that I can. We are born into sin and unfortunately there is a lot of sin we have inherited from our ancestors. As we get older, we allow more and more sin to come into our lives. We become covered with sin such as rejection unloving spirit, fear, un-forgiveness, envy, jealousy, anger, wrath, bitterness, slander, backbiting, depression, confusion, condemnation, pride, shame, accusation, judgment, criticism, resentment, disobedience, hatred, rebellion, Idolatry, guilt, stubbornness, false witness, control, lust, murder of the tongue, death, broken heart, and anguish to name a few. These are unclean spirits working in us because we have not recognized our sin. Un-confessed sin allows these spirits to continue to operate in us and progressively get worse. The goal of the enemy is to control us with sin. Compare a troubled family member when they were three years old without much sin and as an adult in bondage to sin. This is how the enemy works and we see it all around us.

In my dream, I saw this man standing in front of me covered with red ants. The ants are a representation of his sin. He is picking ants one at a time with his forefinger and thumb and not making any headway removing the ants. He looks so lost and I am yelling at him to confess his sins so that he can be set free from these red ants (sins). He says to me, “I don’t have any sin, I am just having a little problem with a few ants.”

Allow me to give you an illustration on how I explained this to my grandson a few months ago. I told him that we all sin throughout the day. If we don’t recognize and confess our sin, we go to bed with all this un-confessed sin. Let’s say that during a typical day we get angry, lie, covet, worry, or criticize. Five sins are listed and most of the time during the course of the day, we can sin more than once with each of these listed sins. So we have 5 sins per day. 35 sins per week. 1050 sins per month. 12,600 sins per year. Multiply this times your age and you can see how a person can be in great bondage if we don’t confess our sins throughout the day. So often, we don’t realize we are sinning. It has become our nature.

It is very important for us to recognize our sin as it happens so that we can confess our sins and repent immediately. Otherwise, we forget our sin and red ants will cover us.
Blessings to you,

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