Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Unloving Spirit


Unloving Part 1

If you look into the mirror and you do not think you are the "fairest of them all," you may have an Unloving spirit looking back at you!  An Unloving spirit attaches itself to you to make you feel rejected and cause you to reject yourself.  It makes you feel unclean, unworthy, and like you do not measure up.  It makes you feel that you are no good.  When you look in the mirror, you do not like what you see.  When you hear your voice, you do not like the way it sounds.  When people look at you, you think they hate you.  You can see it in their eyes.  So, you spend all your time debating with yourself as to whether you belong on this planet or not.  You stand in front of the mirror and comb your hair this way and then that way.  You look at this wrinkle; you look at that sag.  You look at those eyes... the same old eyes that stare at you every morning in the mirror.  You spend your whole day in a world of "not measuring up."  This person does not like me.  That person does not like me.  God does not like me.  I do not even like myself.  Why was I born?  You start replaying the same old unkind messages that were spoken to you in the past and they become your life.  The evidence that an Unloving spirit has come to make its abode within you is that you are constantly struggling with yourself.  That is its nature and it needs you as a medium of expression.  When you have an Unloving spirit, it wants to go on stage.  You are the puppet and it is the hand that moves you.  You are like a puppet going through the motions by the hand of someone or something else that is making you say, do, and think.  Unloving is one of the greatest bondages known to mankind.

An Unloving spirit comes because you have been rejected, usually beginning in your own families.  Especially the dad whose responsibility is to shower the children and mother with God’s love.  Specifically, saying these words “I love you” over and over throughout their lives.  When someone who is supposed to represent God to you treats you badly, it creates a breach that only God can heal.  Many times, an Unloving spirit comes into you because you are a victim.  The people victimizing you will tell you it is all your fault and they would not be victimizing you if you had not been bad in a certain way.  This happens in marriages, in families and in any relationship.  God intended the man (father/husband) to be in charge and represent Him as Father to the family, as Christ is to the church.  Any violation of that produces an Unloving spirit.

Hebrews 4:13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

You must identify that part of you that is not of God and make it your enemy.  Identify those feelings you have when you cannot look someone in the eye, those feelings that cause you to withdraw in Fear, those feelings that come when someone says you are beautiful and you think, "No, I am not."  Identify those feelings that are within you that constantly accuse you to yourself.  Those feelings are your enemy because they are not from God and they are not even from you.  They are the voices and the presence of the Unloving, unclean spirit, and every spirit that answers to them.  They have invaded your spirit and your soul and have become part of your nature.

Unloving Part 2

Romans 2:1   Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.                      

This talks about pointing a finger at another.  "You, you, you….ou are no good.  If it were not for you...you, you, you."  When people are coming at you, accusing you in the victimization role that will allow the Unloving spirit of Rejection to come, they themselves have the same problem.  You become the outlet for their frustration and Bitterness.  The hatred they have for themselves and the unlovingness they have concerning themselves is vented on you, so they do not have to deal with it themselves.  You become their own Self-hatred and Self-bitterness, and unlovingness.   You take it into yourself and now you become an extension of it.

To gain freedom from the Unloving spirit, you must first deal with Bitterness, Envy, Jealousy, Rejection, self-rejection, self-bitterness, and anger.  You must deal with Rejection by others and forgive those who rejected you.   You also must forgive yourself and accept yourself.   Next to God, you ought to be your own best friend.  If you are not prepared to accept yourself, that is Fear.  It negates God's faith for you. 

Deuteronomy 32:10 He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye.

God is saying, "From the foundation of the world, I knew you would be here.”  I do not care what someone said to you.  I do not care who cursed you with their tongue.  You are mine.  You are loved.  I love you and you are accepted.  "You are the apple of my eye."  You are the object of God's love.  You are the apple of His eye.  He has called you out of the desert of life because He loved you.  In the Hebrew language, when it says you are the apple of His eye, it means the very focus of His attention is right on you.  It does not make any difference what anyone has said.  When you are born again, that is over with.

Who you are in love can be complete, and you do not need to receive it from anyone.  If who you are is dependent on someone being nice to you, it will not work.  You should be complete in yourself and in God and out of that strength you give unto others.

Unloving Part 3

Iniquities (sin) are passed to the next generation when family members vent their "stuff" on you and you accept it.  If you decide that you are going to walk in the statutes of God, you can go free from the curse that is coming into you from your ancestry.  You do not have to die because of your ancestral sins.  You no longer have to live with the Unloving spirit that has been in your family tree that has been transferred from generation to generation breaking down the family tree in rage, anger, verbal abuse, physical abuse, drivenness and separation from love.

In many cases, in your life as a child, if you obeyed the law of your mother or father, whether it was righteous or unrighteous, they would love you.  But you needed to receive love whether you obeyed them or not.  Love has nothing to do with your disobedience; love is unconditional, constant, standard, moving straight ahead.  Children must hear these words from their parents, “I love you” continuously throughout their lives. Especially, form the dad.

Matthew 22:37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.

 It does not say that you shall obey the Lord thy God.

 John 14:15 If you love me, keep My commandments.

 It does not say if you obey my commandments, I will love you.  God is going to love you whether you obey His commandments or not.

To defeat the Unloving spirit, you must leave the spiritual dynamics of your family if you are of the years of understanding because you have inherited things that are not of God.  If you are going to be a spiritual man or woman in your own right, you must get away from the things that are not of God.  You must make the separation spiritually.  No longer should you be the victim of your family iniquities that still want to become part of your thinking.  At the same time, you do not abandon your family.  You must be diligent towards your family even when they are in sin.  So, you pray for them and ask God to deal with them and then you live your life before God in purity.  You can be free and the issues between your mother and your father and your family do not have to be resolved but they must be resolved between you and God.  

We also need to take time to teach our children.  Most of the time our children are oppressed by our own ungodly spirituality and our own hatred is extended to them.  They become an object of our own spiritual problems. 

Unloving Part 4

The Unloving spirit is an antichrist spirit sent to steal, kill, and destroy You!  An antichrist spirit rules over the Unloving spirit because it refuses to let you accept the love of God, the love yourself, and the love your neighbor.  An antichrist spirit is any modality or spirituality or statement or existence or belief that changes any dimension of the Godhead and changes in any dimension what the Scriptures have said. 

Luke 11:21-22 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.

The Unloving spirit uses armor to reinforce himself.  I want to help you identify some of the armor that causes the Unloving spirit to stay in your "palace" and I want to bring it to the light.  It cannot stand the light of the Word.  It cannot stand the truth because the truth exposes evil spirits.  Satan is the father of lies, You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it, John 8:44.  Satan destroys us with his lies.

"I" and "I will" are all part of the armor of an Unloving spirit.  An antichrist spirit will always protect itself, develop itself and look into itself.  A spirit that is not antichrist will look past itself and look at the overall picture around it.  Constantly thinking of yourself is an indication of an Unloving spirit.  Self-Idolatry is present. The nature of Satan is that of self-exhalation.  The Unloving spirit will always exalt itself.  It will seek to destroy Godly love.   

All spirits of Self-Bitterness come out of the evil Unloving spirit.  Self-hatred wants you destroyed.  It produces suicide.  It says, "I need to eliminate myself; I do not belong here."  That is an antichrist mentality.  It is an antichrist thought coming out of the armor of an Unloving spirit.  You do belong here.  You must accept the fact that you belong here.  When God saved you, He said you belong here.

Self-Pity produces another dimension of the Unloving spirit called the kingdom of Self, your realities, your perception, your sickness/diseases, your pain, your theology, your decision about what is right or wrong.  The kingdom of Self begins with the kingdom of something called Self-introspection which causes inversion, looking inward.  When Jesus came and died for you, He had that moment when he said, "If it be possible, Father, take this cup from me.  Nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done," Luke 22:42.  He looked outward as servant of all.  Jesus did not get caught in Self-Pity.  Jesus did not have an Unloving spirit.

Unloving Part 5

The Unloving spirit and Fear are linked together side by side.   Both are antichrist.  An Unloving spirit is deeply rooted in Fear.  When you do not like yourself, you are afraid of yourself and what others may think about you.  Fear projects possible failures in how you think and how you act and constantly attacks self.  Fear projects into the future.  Then there is Self-rejection that accuses you to yourself and says that you are a mistake.  Self-hatred and Self-rejection in the Unloving spirit produces one of the strongest evil principalities in mankind because we are hating and rejecting and refusing that which God made in His image and that which Jesus Christ died for.  We are special.  We are His beloved and we are eternal.

The need for approval is part of the armor.  Your approval is not from man.  If you are following the Word of God and you have a right spirit, then only God is your judge.

 "Not necessary" is another part of the armor.  "I am not necessary.  I am not important.  I am not needed." That is part of the Unloving profile.  "Life could go on without me and no one would notice that I am missing."  Get a hold of the fact that you are incredibly important.  You are what makes God happy because you have been created for His pleasure.

1Corinthians 12:22-23 No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary.  And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty.

Never discount yourself in any area of your life.  It is time to take your place in the land of the living and in the body of Christ.  You are important!  God needs you because you are part of his corporate body on the earth, but the Unloving spirit does not want you to function in the body.  The Unloving spirit wants to separate you from yourself and others.  Part of the Unloving spirits' armor is division.  An Unloving spirit will not allow you to flow with other people and especially in family.  It will divide and conquer you.  It is not interested in unity.  It is interested in separating you from yourself, others, and family.

More of the armor of the Unloving spirit is unbelief and doubt, Self-Doubt, and Self-Unbelief.  People who have an Unloving spirit cannot look into the pupil of another person's eye for very long because they get nervous.  You must be able to look in another person's eyes and force the Unloving spirit aside so you can get into a place of fellowship despite it.   To get rid of an Unloving spirit, you must be in fellowship with others.  Fellowship with God is the beginning.

Unloving Part 6

Proverbs 18:14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?    

The Unloving spirit produces the deepest, deepest breaking of the human spirit.  The Unloving spirit can produce pain physically, neurologically, and spiritually.  In the Unloving spirit, one of the first things that happen to the endocrine system is a reduction in the secretion of serotonin.  When you have a decreased serotonin level, you do not like yourself, and if you do not like yourself, it will stay there.  The Unloving spirit triggers the underproduction of serotonin, and that feeling of unloveliness is reinforced.  Now, it is not just reinforced by a spirit projecting those thoughts into your consciousness or through your spirit.  It is reinforced by a chemical imbalance that produces a physiological response as well as an emotional and spiritual one.  An antichrist spirit will always produce pain.  Pain comes with the breaking of the heart, the kingdom of Self.  When you start to concentrate on your spiritual and soulish and biological processes and you become so inverted that all you can see is yourself, then your body responds accordingly and you have a manifestation of self.

Self-Mutilation is a fruit of the Unloving spirit.  Piercing cutting, bulimia, and anorexia are rooted in Self-Mutilation.  When you have an Unloving spirit that has attached itself to you, it tells you that you are not the nicest thing God ever created.  If you listen to this long-term, that spirit becomes part of your life.  It becomes one with you.

You must separate yourself from the antichrist spirit in you that is not really you.  Your issues must be confronted.  An Unloving spirit will keep you from being changed.  It will interfere with everything that God has for you.  Just as Bitterness will keep you from forgiveness of sin in your own life, an Unloving, unclean spirit will separate you from the love of God.  You need to be forgiven of your sins, so that you will not be separated from the love of God.  If you are separated from the love of God, you cannot possibly love yourself, and it is impossible for you to receive or love your neighbor.  You cannot accept your neighbor if you do not accept yourself.  The spiritual dynamics are in place that will keep you from walking in the fulfillment and the freedom of that reality.

Love God first, love yourself second and everything will fall into place.   These principles are from Scriptures and they will help you recover yourself from the snare of the devil, to bring you to a place of understanding, of discernment, and to a place of focus.  The Bible says you are to work out your own salvation daily.  You must grab hold of these principles.  You must make up your mind that the Unloving spirit must go.

Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

 Unloving Part 7

Paul says, "I find then a law that when I would do good, evil is present with me, for I delight in the law of God after the inward man." Romans 7:21-22

Romans 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

Paul is saying that there are two laws working within him.  Law means precepts, concepts, the Word of God.  The Unloving spirit is banking on the fact that, with his armor, you will never be who you were created to be.  He is banking on the fact that something is screaming in your ear’s day and night about who you really are.  You are being programed with an Unloving spirit.  Will you believe the voices of Self-Pity, self-rejection, self-bitterness, competition, self-pride, self-enthronement, false piety, self-exaltation, attention getting, excessive talkativeness, insecurity, drivenness, self-mutilation, excessive eating and bingeing, self-comparison, self-idolatry, perfectionism, self-torment, defending oneself, self-doubt, unbelief, self-bitterness, self-resentment, self-unforgiveness, self-retaliation, self-anger, self-hatred, self-violence, anger, and suicide?  When all of that is screaming in your head and you are listening to it, you are saying that the law of God is a lie.

You must come to a place of perfect peace in four dimensions.  The first dimension of peace you need is with Father God according to truth.... not feelings, not religion, not emotion, but truth.  You need peace in your doctrines of God and not what man has said.  Secondly, you need perfect peace in your relationship with yourself.  Unloving spirits working in you keep you from peace with yourself.  Thirdly, you need perfect peace with others, regardless of their mentalities or spiritualities.  Forth, you must declare your love out loud for God and yourself many times each day until the Unloving spirit is minimized and defeated.   

You have not been taught to love yourself, but you have been taught to hate yourself. If someone did not tell you that you were lovely and wanted, they may have abused you to the point that you finally believed it anyway. Once that happens, you are programmed physically and emotionally to abuse from having been abused.

It is time to stop being tormented by the Unloving spirits that were in your ancestors and that are in you and your children.  It is time to stop being antichrist yourself and begin to tell the Satan and his kingdom you are not going to listen to lies anymore.  Do not listen to the voices of the past.  You do not have to continue to hear the voices of those who hurt you. If you listen, it is an evil spirit that is tormenting you with self-rejection and self-hatred and that is the Unloving spirit.  You must fall out of agreement with them and prepare to walk away from them.  Become aggressive in Jesus name reclaiming your life and tell the passivity of uncleanness and unloveliness, and Rejection to leave and not come back.

Unloving Part 8

All the evil things that were said or done to you in the past will scar you and make you feel unlovely but you must understand that in the new birth you became a new creature.  You are not a biological seed of your ancestry anymore.  If you keep hanging onto your biological ancestry you negate the sonship and daughtership of the living God. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

You are a new creature by faith.  You must believe that and accept it.  When you became born again, your spirit came alive to God and you made God the Father your own "Abba, Father."  You must realize and say to yourself before God, "I am not expendable.  God saved me because I am important.  I am not going to listen to lies anymore." 

God said in Psalms 139:14 that you, you personally are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  Before you were ever conceived, God saw your parts and pieces as they were curiously wrought in the bowels of the earth, out of the dust of the earth.  He fashioned them in his mind and in his creativeness and the genetics of your ancestry from Adam and Eve and He saw you before you ever came, uniquely individual, uniquely separate.  So separate that your name is written down in heaven. 

You are the bride of Christ.  God loves you no matter what anyone else said or did to you.  If you cannot believe it and receive it, then you have an antichrist spirit because you are telling God He is a liar, and you are going to believe the lies of Satan before you believe the living God who has spoken to you from His Word.  Combine His Word with your faith.  Let God be true and every man a liar.

To be free of the Unloving spirit you are going to have to be very subjective in receiving the love of God your Father, in Jesus Christ, so that your perspective will be that if anyone smiles at you today, it is just a bonus.

If you are constantly struggling with yourself, it is time for you to be you. Tell that Unloving spirit that you do not need it.  You can stand on the stage of life yourself.  It is time for you to take back your identity.  If someone does not like you, it just does not matter.  God loves you and there is no one greater than Him.


Father God, in Jesus’ name, I renounce and cast out the unloving spirt and all the evil spirits tied to the unloving spirit.  I cancel the Unloving spirit curse from the past generations and I cancel the Unloving spirit curse as a partaker of the Unloving spirit.  I cancel the Unloving spirit curse in my children.  I declare that God loves me, I love myself, and God loves my children. 

The prayer must be repeated every time you have that unloving spirit overtake you or your children.  Eventually, the unloving spirit will be defeated.  It is a process.

Friday, July 5, 2024


 Pride definition – a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own sense of achievements, the achievements of others whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.  Similar words: gratification, fulfillment.

To me, man’s pride is false sense of security.  It requires one to seek the feeling as a way of showing the world one is worthy to be recognized.  Pride leads to an addictive behavior of boasting.  Boasting becomes a contest of who is the greatest.   Pride and boasting are closely tied together.  Most often pride requires a person to boast about their achievements and the need for recognition from others.    Pride without a doubt is worldly.

Boasting definition – excessively proud and self-satisfied talk about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.  Similar words are: brag, gloat, show off, blow one's own trumpet, pat oneself on the back, and exaggerate. Exaggerate is a dangerous word. The definition is representing something as being better, or worse than what it really is.  Exaggerating is stretching the truth.  It is not fact.  It is a lie.

God’s Position on Pride

Pride was the reason Satan was thrown out of heaven.  It was Satan’s pride that caused the downfall of mankind due to Satan’s sin and Adam and Eve’s sin. Ezekiel 28:15-16 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity (wicked) was found in you. 16 “By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and you sinned; Therefore, I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones.  God hates pride.

Isaiah 14:12-15 How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations (mankind). 13 For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation. On the farthest sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ 15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol (the abode of the dead), To the lowest depths of the Pit.  This sets the tone for mankind’s pridefulness due to sin.

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom.

Proverbs 18:12 Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before honor is humility. Haughty – Blatantly and disdainfully proud. Having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior.  No person is greater than another person.

Proverbs 29:23 A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.

Daniel 4:37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put down.

Hosea 13:6 When I fed them, they were filled. And when they were filled, their heart became proud and they forgot Me.


What Are We Proud of That Causes Us to Boast?

Education Job   Hairstyle   Salary     House      Wife/Husband    Children   Boyfriend/Girlfriend     Knowledge           Your Church     Ministry     Beliefs        Political Party        Flag      Social Movements         Physical Appearance       Achievements     Clothing     Jewelry        Tattoos       Brands     Who You Know/Friends         Religion       Biblical Knowledge    Travel       Work Credentials         Degrees          Money/Wealth    Toys     Race   Skills  Sports

Arrogance can be tied all of these because of Pride. It is an overbearing sense of pride and haughtiness. Arrogance comes from the Latin arrogans, which means overbearing.  It is overbearing to hear one who boasts about everything in their lives.  Most do not even know they are boasting because they have become one with pride.  Arrogance, like pride and boasting can control us in many areas of our lives.

Luke 14:11 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Matthew 23:12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Let us review words tied to Pride.

1.      Boasting2 Corinthians 10:17-18

2.      ShameProverbs 11:2

3.      HaughtyProverbs 18:12

4.      Brings you low - Proverbs 29:23

5.      Pride of life is not from God1 John 2:16 

6.      God will put you downDaniel 4:37

7.      Their heart became proud and they forgot MeHosea 13:6

8.      He who exalt himself will be humbledMatthew 23:12 

9.      Arrogance Proverbs 8:13

10.  ExaltedMatthew 23:12

I do not have to expound on how prideful this world is. The world has thoroughly programed us to be prideful.  God hates pride and it is sin, Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate.  Pride is exulting ourselves above God.

But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends. 2 Corinthians 10:17-18.

I am not saying the things listed above cannot be a part of your existence, but beware of the pride, boasting, and Idolatry.  Do not allow these things to become your idols, 1 John Little children, keep yourselves from idols.

God does not want pride to define you. What defines you in God’s eyes is obedience to Him and what you do for His kingdom!   “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound Isaiah 61:1          

Prayer: Father God, in Jesus’ name, I renounce and cast out all pride, boasting, haughtiness, and arrogance.     Thank you, God!  Amen!  This prayer is ongoing until we are delivered from pride.