Alzheimer’s Disease Article
My last article was a piece about
sickness and disease where I talked about the consequences of not being
obedient to God’s commandments, statues, instructions, and laws as outlined
throughout the Bible and especially in Deuteronomy 28. I mentioned that I would send out a piece on
Alzheimer’s disease. An article came out
in The Trumpet magazine article (link above) and it has an interesting
correlation between Alzheimer’s disease and the way society treats the
mother/father and the elderly. The
article compares the United States and Greece, which have similar life
expectancies. It points out that the United States, is 17 times more likely to
contract Alzheimer’s disease than Greece.
The article says the major reason Greece has 17 times less Alzheimer’s
Disease cases is that Greece honors their parents and the elderly. What are the spiritual dynamics involved
here? The answers began to unravel as I
researched and meditated in what the Bible had to say.
The medical field does not have an
answer as to why we contract Alzheimer’s Disease. Nor do they have a cure. By searching scriptures in the Bible, one can
get an idea why we have the epidemic with mother/father, elders, and even
widows. We have been tasked to respect, honor, and to be their caretakers as
they become elderly. Not to put them in nursing homes or ignore them. We have been commanded to “Honor
your father and your mother, that your
days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” Exodus 20:12, to respect them “‘Every one of you shall revere his mother
and his father” Leviticus 19:32. We are to honor the elderly, ‘You shall rise before the gray
headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord”
Leviticus 19:32. We must see the elderly as a crown of glory Proverbs
16:31 (TLB) White
hair is a crown of glory and is seen most among the godly. Even Moses
sought counsel from the elderly in the form of his father in-law Jethro who had
much wisdom to share “So Moses heeded
the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he had said. Exodus 18:24. The
widows are to be taken care of by everyone.
1 Timothy 5:3 Take care of any widow who
has no one else to care for her. Fact is: Pure and undefiled religion before God
and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to
keep oneself unspotted from the world James 1:27.
We fail to understand the meaning and
significance of these Scriptures. Honor
means to honor. We have children,
grandchildren, great grandchildren, and a society that does not respect mother,
father and the elderly. The world is all
about the youth in the times we are living in.
Go anywhere and the elderly are treated as non-entity even though they
have decades of experience. Children
bash their fathers and mothers. They
seek advice from the younger generation and they ignore what we tell them. Most media portray the elderly as a
non-entity and our children have bought into this fleshly thinking which is
contrary to the Spirit of righteousness (Galatians
5:17 For the flesh (world) lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the
flesh (world); and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the
things that you wish).
So, instead of getting counsel from the
father/mothers/elders, they seek advice from their friends as King Rehoboam did
in 1 Kings 12:8 But he rejected
the advice which the elders had given him, and consulted the young men who had
grown up with him, who stood before him.
Think of what the possible root cause
of sickness and disease is as it pertains to the father/mother/elderly not
feeling honored. The entry point is the
father/mother/elderly taking offense to the disrespect shown by the younger
generation. Examples:
The number one thing I have heard from
mothers and fathers in the Healing Room Ministry is: “they have their own
lives.” (Rejection, unloved, bitterness and unforgiveness).
Failed to be included in family
functions. (Rejection, unloved,
bitterness, and unforgiveness).
Failed to take advice. (Rejection, unloved,
bitterness, and unforgiveness).
Slander by the children. (Rejection, unloved, bitterness, and unforgiveness).
List of wrongs they have against us. (Rejection,
unloved, bitterness, and unforgiveness).
Wanting us to live our lives according
to their expectations. (Offended, bitterness,
and unforgiveness).
Failure to lend a helping hand. (Rejection, feeling unloved, bitterness, and unforgiveness).
Mothers and fathers being put in
assisted living homes. (Rejection, abandonment, feeling unloved, bitterness, and unforgiveness).
They only come over when they need
something. (Rejection, unloved,
bitterness, unforgiveness).
They have embarrassed me because of
their behavior. (Offended, bitter, and unforgiveness).
Does this sound familiar?
This rejection and feeling unloved
turns into bitterness, un-forgiveness, and a broken heart as a result of the
younger generation who refuse to respect them.
This is the cause and effect principle.
The cause is the younger generations not honoring the elderly and the
effect is sickness and disease in the elderly. It is not the dishonoring
individuals that are going to suffer with Alzheimer’s disease at their age, but
the same disease awaits them as their children dishonor them, because that is
what they taught their children.
My memory is not as good as it once was
and I am not saying that I will contract Alzheimer’s Disease, but I should not
have the memory loss that I was experiencing because God promises us a sound
mind (2 Timothy 1:7 For
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound
mind) always. So, I needed to
know the cause of the memory loss I was experiencing.
I was talking to the Holy Spirit about
these diseases and I said, “I am part of a healing ministry. What is the key to healing those with
Alzheimer’s Disease?” Immediately, I received
That same day I started a process of forgiving my children and
grandchildren throughout the day. After
a month of declaring forgiveness, my memory was restored. Confirmation from the Holy Spirit that
forgiveness was correct and the key to healing Alzheimer’s disease.
We can’t control how the younger
generation treats us, but we can do something that could protect us from
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia and that is to forgive them for rejecting and not
honoring us and to ask God for forgiveness for having un-forgiveness towards
them. In addition, it is our responsibility in the healing ministry to lead
those in a prayer of forgiveness who feel dishonored by the younger generation.
Very little is taught on the fifth
commandment “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” Exodus
20:12. Even less is taught about the
consequences because we rely on the world (flesh) to provide answers. When are we going to turn to God, the Bible,
and the Holy Spirit for answers. The
symptoms and characteristics of sickness and disease (Deuteronomy 28:15-68) are
manifesting in the physical and mind/emotional right in front of our eyes. There is so much despair, hopelessness, and
suffering. We have a veil over our eyes
and our ears are plugged. We have a
spirit of stupor working in our lives (Romans
11:8 Just as it is written: “God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that
they should not see and ears that they should not hear, To this very day).
Understand, there are sicknesses and
diseases that can be specific to a sin, but not everyone that is offended by
children will contract Alzheimer’s Disease.
We have to identify the symptoms and characteristics to determine the
root cause so that we know how to pray for healing in the name of Jesus. One example is to look at the traumas (stressor
of the physical and emotional) that have occurred in your life and determine if
you are in captivity from the traumas. Unloving or rejection (these are
traumas/fears) can start in the womb when one or more parents rejects the
child. Perhaps, the father or mother
never said the words “I love you.” Such
powerful words that define a person’s life.
Fail to say “I love you” impacts the person in a very negative way
physically/ emotionally, and especially when it comes to Alzheimer’s
Disease. There is a mind/body connection
here. Rejection in the emotional causes’
physical disease.
line is this: As more and more of the
younger generation become more and more disrespectful of the elderly, you will
see more and more Alzheimer’s Disease.
Below is the greatest intercessory pray
of all time for unbelievers and believers alike. Jesus’s prayer applies to us all at one time
or another.
forgive them, for they do not know what they do” Luke 23:34.
Tony Sanchez, 1-29-19