Sunday was my first day on
the altar team. It was a glorious day as Pastor George invited the
congregation to come to the altar for prayer during the service. Four of the
five I prayed for had bitterness and un-forgiveness. One person who came
forth was very broken and I found out that he had shame, guilt, bitterness,
self-hatred, un-forgiveness towards self which was a result of an unloving
spirt. He did not feel loved. I led him in a prayer of forgiveness
of self and conveyed to him how much God loves him and how His perfect love
casts out fear (1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts
out fear, because fear involves torment…..).
The below article is tied to
the last article I sent out in that fear can do much harm in the spirit, soul,
and body. The unloving spirit that this person had is a fear that bound
him up to the point that he worked up enough courage to come to the altar for
prayer. He had become separated from the love of God and was experiencing
I included medical and
scientific material to give you an idea of how separation from God and self can
affect our body. I hope this can help you or someone you know understand
why separation from God and self can compromise you immune system.
Separation From God
Do you know how many people do not
like themselves? Do you know how many people struggle with self-hatred ,
lack of self-esteem, and guilt? It is a massive plague. How can you
not love yourself if God loves you? He is greater than you are. He
who is greatest and holiest of all, God the Father, says He loves you.
Under what gospel do we have the audacity to say we do not love ourselves.
If we do this, we make ourselves in opposition to God. We make ourselves
a god unto ourselves with this thinking. We deny His statement of love
and speaking to you, by His Word and by the Holy Spirit, telling you that you
are loved and you are okay. You are going to hear this voice coming into your
mind, telling you how rotten, stupid or worthless you are.
In the Be In Health ministry, they
deal with many autoimmune diseases: Lupus, Crohn’s, diabetes (type 1),
rheumatoid arthritis, and MS to name a few. All autoimmune disease have a
spiritual root of self-hatred, self-bitterness, shame, and guilt.
All these disease can be defeated or
can be prevented. The medication profession has not been able to cure
immune diseases. They can only be treated. The ministry of God can
heal these diseases. The key to doing this is finding the entry point of
the unloving and rejection spirit. It could have been rejection in the
womb when either the father or mother was not ready to have a baby. It
could have been the father not verbally conveying that he loves you
continuously. Perhaps you did not live up to the expectations of others
and now guilt and shame have set in. Other spirits attach themselves as
you go along such as abandonment and especially anger because we don’t feel
loved. We start to ask ourselves why they don’t love me. We allow
self-hatred to seep in. We start to believe that we are not worthy.
Understand, all of these are fears which can lead to depression, despair, and
hopelessness as it says in Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety (fear) in the heart of man
causes depression, But a good word makes it glad.
Cortisol is important in fight or
flight but, if it is present on a long-term basis, it destroys your
immune system. What God created for us to help fight, the enemy has now
turned on us and has become the destroyer of our lives.
According to medical information,
long-term secretion of cortisol has direct physiological effects on the
following function (reading from the Pathophysiology chart): Carbohydrate and
lipid metabolism, protein metabolism, inflammatory effects, lipid metabolism,
immune reserve, digestive function, urinary function, connective tissue
function, muscle function, bone function, vascular system and myocardial
function and central nervous system function.
“Cortisol directly influence immune
responses to antibodies…cortisol inhibits the production of both macrophages
and helper T cells. The diminished helper T cells cause a decrease in B
cells and antibody production….”
Now begins the destruction of the
immune system. What is destroying the immune system? Pesticides?
No! According to the medical community it is fear, anxiety and stress.
The ongoing over-secretion of
cortisol continues immunosuppression, decreased lymphocytes and monocytes, decreased
circulating lymphocytes and decreased macrophages. Right here the
negative effects begin. Right here we have the breaking down of the
immune system.
When you have the reduction of B
cells at this level, antigen-antibody relationships develop. Your body
start attacking everything. That is what an allergy is. The antigen
becomes the enemy, but the antigen is the food you need. Now the body is
eliminating what it needs to have in order to stay alive.
Consider this, “As a person
disappears into fear and disappears into the self-rejection mode, the body
takes on a profile of death.” Why? Because the person has been
murdered spiritually. How are they spiritually murdered? When you
deny your existence as God sees you and reject yourself in creation, a
spirit of death comes to agree. Numerous diseases are the result of this
spiritual dynamic.
All that has been shown here is what
is affected by just one area of fear, anxiety, and stress. Now let’s add
15 dozen different areas at one time. Now we have a compounding of a
major spiritual and biological problem.
As fear and anxiety are moving inside
you, hormones are released to the alpha and beta receptors and all parts of
your body are affected. These are the physiological actions of the alpha
and beta receptors: you have muscles affected, blood vessels affected, the
urinary tract affected, gastrointestinal tract affected, smooth muscle
contraction, some vascular beds, increased insulin secretion, myocardial
contraction, and you have all smooth muscle relaxation (bronchi, blood
vessels, etc.). Everything concerning entire physiological body is now
under attack. Gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological
systems – everything you are in creation is now taking a hit from fear and anxiety.
Catecholamines include epinephrine,
norepinephrine and dopamine. Let’s look at the physiological effects of
the catecholamines now being secreted because of anxiety and fear long term,
not to benefit you, but to harm you. Parts of the body affected include
the brain, glucose metabolism, blood flows, cardiovascular, pulmonary, muscle,
liver, skin, skeleton (bones), gastrointestinal system and lymphoid
tissue. All the systems of your body are out of order – are being
attacked – and are changing and are forced to do something they were not
designed to do. Your whole physiological life is now under attack.
What causes the over-secretion of
cortisol? Fear/Anxiety/Stress. These are the long-term problems relative
to the resistance and the exhaustion stage of the fear/anxiety disorder.
We just went over what excessive
secretion of cortisol produces, what the catecholamines do and how they destroy
the immune system resulting in disease. The autoimmune diseases are not
the result of immunosuppression. The autoimmune diseases are not the
result of or lack of white corpuscles. The autoimmune disease occur when
the white corpuscles attack living flesh and destroy it. Lupus, Crohn’s,
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and MS are examples and on it goes.
To summarize, the body attacks the
body because the person is attacking themselves spiritually in self-rejection,
self-hatred and self-bitterness. There is a spiritual dynamic that comes
in when the white corpuscles are invisibly redirected to attack living tissue
while ignoring the true enemy, which is bacteria and viruses. As the
person continues to attack himself or herself spiritually, the body finally
agrees and white corpuscles start attacking the body. That is a high
price to pay for not loving yourself.
Blessings to you,
Tony Sanchez