Sunday, June 22, 2014

What Do You Confess As Truth? – Music Part 4

Recently, I removed all the music that I had on my phone that does not praise God.  I had many artists including the greatest rock and roll band ever, Led Zeppelin.  Some other included Al Green, Linda Ronstadt, Shania Twain, etc.  I had to determine if this secular music was what I confess as truth. 

Music is a large part of any culture.  Music existed from the very beginning of time.  God Himself is the originator of music. In Job 34:4-7, God speaks of when he “laid the foundations of the earth…When the morning stars sang together.”  Ezekiel 28:13 says of Lucifer “The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.”  Lucifer had been had been an anointed cherub with immense musical ability.  But Lucifer wanted to like the most High.  He has devised many close counterfeits of God’s truth.  One of his most subtle perversions has been to corrupt God’s music.  He does not want anyone else to be a chief musician.  You can understand why Satan tries to bring down people in the music ministry.

God’s music will bring life and health to the body, soul, and spirit.

Isaiah 12:2 sums it up “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song.”  In 1 Samuel 16:23 it says “And so it was, whenever the spirit (distressing) from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.”  Satan’s music, on the contrary, seeks to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10).

God’s music will emphasize the melody, not the harmony or rhythm.

Ephesians 5:18-19 says, “but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”  Isaiah 23:16 tells us to “Make sweet melody, sing many songs.”  There are three parts in a musical composition: the melody, the harmony, and the rhythm.  Melody is the essence of music.  The melody carries and reinforces the words; therefore, God’s music will emphasize the melody and its words, not the harmony or the rhythm. The word “music” comes from the word “muse” which means to “think.”  A song’s words make us think; too much harmony can distract from this.  A loud dominant rhythm sets the flesh moving, which in some cases can feed our fleshly nature.

The devil’s music emphasizes a loud, hypnotic rhythm, and has little melody and very little meaning.  It feeds the flesh and not the spirit.  Many of the secular songs out there have beat of the Shaman which has a trance effect on the mind.

God’s music will contain scripture references that teach and admonish.

Christian music is not entertainment.  Christian music is spiritual “food.”  The book of Psalm 98 verse 4 says to “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.”  Colossians 3:16 says to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”  A Christian musician should be a student of the Word of God!  Young people today can quote the lyrics of contemporary Christian music, but often cannot quote the Holy Bible. 

Much contemporary Christian music omits the Lord Jesus Christ and God with pronouns such as “he,” “him,” or “you.”  How can anyone writing God’s songs omit Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God?

God’s music will be spiritual, not sensual.

Ephesians 5:18-19 equates walking in the Spirit with singing spiritual songs.  It says, “but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”  A Christian is born again of the Spirit.  In 1 Corinthians 14:15 Paul tells us, “I will sing with the spirit.”   Therefore, Christian music should feed the spirit, not the flesh.  The Sprit and the flesh are contrary and opposite (Galatians 5:17).  They are enemies.  God’s music will give us things to think about that are pure and godly. 

Godly music will praise God, and not draw attention to the singer.

Hymns are about HIM!   Psalm 28:7 tells us, “And with my song I will praise Him.”  Psalm 66:2 Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.”  Praise redirects our thinking to God’s power and not our circumstances.

On the other hand, the devil’s music will redirect the worship to man (or false god), and not to the Lord.  You can hear the audience at a concert practically worshipping the singer.  John 12:43 says to such things, “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”  Have you ever felt in your spirit, a member or leader of a praise group was just putting on a show? The song can at times be almost irrelevant.  The focus is on the person and songs have become performance driven, rather than a message.  Christians are to draw attention to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, not to themselves.

God’s music will be sung and played by Christians who live by the book.

In the Bible, God did not allow just anybody to be his musicians.  When He chose his musicians in the Old Testament, he specifically chose the Levites, who were separated for the service of the sanctuary.  The priest were also chosen from the Levites.  1 Chronicles 15:16 tells us “Then David spoke to the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers accompanied by instruments of music, stringed instruments, harps, and cymbals, by raising the voice with resounding joy.”  We cannot choose ourselves to be in the music ministry.  You must be chosen by God.

Music is an expression of the heart.  Beautiful voices are a “dime a dozen,” but beautiful hearts are more precious than gold.  Your music, singing and worship must be led by the Holy Spirit and it must praise God.

Again, what do you confess as truth?

Blessings to you all,

Tony Sanchez, 5-22-14

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What Do You Confess As Truth – Un-forgiveness, Part 3

We all are all offended on a regular basis and many times the offense can cause bitterness and anger which results in un-forgiveness.  God says to forgive their trespasses and He will forgive you.  “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  Matthew 6:14

Forgiveness means dismissing a debt.  When you grant forgiveness, you dismiss the debt owed to you.  When you receive forgiveness, you debt is dismissed.  (You are released from any requirement for repayment).  When you grant forgiveness, you dismiss the debt from your thoughts.  Jesus expressed the heart of forgiveness when he said “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27).

Forgiveness is dismissing your demand that others owe you something, especially when they fail to meet your expectations, fail to keep a promise, and fail to treat you justly.  Jesus said, “If someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also” (Matthew 5:39).

There many misconceptions when the word forgiveness is mentioned.  Some think forgiveness is the equivalent of excusing sin, saying that what was wrong is now right.  To correct any confusion, we need to know what forgiveness is not!

  • Forgiveness is not trying to avoid complying with God’s justice.  It is allowing God to execute His justice in His time and way.
  • Forgiveness is not waiting for the “time to heal all wounds.”  It is clear that time doesn’t heal wounds.  Some people will not allow healing.
  • Forgiveness is not letting the guilty “off the hook.”  It is moving the guilty from your hook to God’s hook.
  • Forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation.  It takes two for reconciliation, only one for forgiveness.
  • Forgiveness is not excusing unjust behavior.  It is acknowledging that unjust behavior is without excuse, while still forgiving.
  • Forgiveness is not explaining away the hurt.  It is working through the hurt.
  • Forgiveness is not based on what is fair.  It was not “fair” for Jesus to hang on the cross, but He did so that we could be forgiven.
  • Forgiveness is not being a weak martyr.  It is being strong enough to be Christ like.
  • Forgiveness is not stuffing your anger.  It is resolving you anger by releasing the offense to God.
  • Forgiveness is not a natural response.  It is a supernatural response, empowered by God.
  • Forgiveness is not denying the hurt.  It is feeling the hurt and releasing it.
  • Forgiveness is not being a doormat.  It is seeing that, if this were so, Jesus would have been the greatest doormat of all!
  • Forgiveness is not conditional.  It is unconditional, a mandate from God to everyone.
  • Forgiveness is not forgetting.  It is necessary to remember before you can forgive.
  • Forgiveness is not a feeling.  It is a choice – an act of the will. 

To forgive means to release your resentment toward your offender. 

  • To release your right to hear “I’m sorry”
  • To release your right to be bitter
  • To release your right to get even


To forgive is to release your rights regarding the offense.

  • To release your right to dwell on the offense
  • To releaser your right to hold on to the offense
  • To release your right to keep bringing up the offense
  • To release the right to keep a record of wrongs they have done to you.

To forgive is to reflect the character of Christ.  Just as God is willing to forgive us, we are called to forgive others.

  • To forgive is to extend mercy.  The same mercy God extends to us over and over again.
  • To forgive is to give a gift of grace.
  • To forgive is to set the offender free.  Most importantly, to set you free.

If you struggle with forgiving others, understand how much God loves you and continually forgives you.  I pray that you will be compelled to forgive others as God has forgiven you.  “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him.”  (Daniel 9:9)

Forgiveness is dismissing, canceling, or setting someone free from the consequences of falling short of God’s standard.  Un-forgiveness is sin and the penalty for sin is spiritual death.  The penalty for sin (our debt) was paid for Jesus through His sacrificial death on the cross. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14). Therefore, instead of being separated from God, we can have our debt dismissed by God and experience eternal life in heaven.

I pray that you would stop what you are doing this very second and ask yourself who you need to forgive so God can forgive you.  Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Again, we need to ask the question, “What do you confess as truth?” 

God’s blessings on you all,

Tony Sanchez

Reference:  Forgiveness – The Freedom To Let Go by Jane Hunt